Carefree printing

on Printbox vending machine.

We provide printing of documents on 81 self-service Printbox vending machines throughout Austria, which we take care of and regularly maintain. However, to make your printing of documents really carefree, our call center will solve your request during the call.

Printbox is for everyone.

We take care of your print.

We take care of you.

Carefree printing

in 4 steps

Printbox locations

chosen for you.

We choose the locations of Printbox vending machines according to the needs of our users. We approached students with their studies and set up Printbox vending machines at colleges and dormitories.

To the general public, we strive to bring Printbox closer to your path in everyday tasks and to place Printbox vending machines in locations that are easy accessible and on your daily route.

Always and easily accessible locations

Shopping mall: 7x Interspar, Q19, 24/7 Vendshops, Gerngross, Post am Rochus, Graz center West, EKZ Weinland Graz, Leibnitz, Leoben City Shopping

Locations accessible to all general population.

Free parking.

Extended working hours.

The price of printing is 2 credits.

Student locations

Student dormitories in 47x Vienna, Graz 7x, Linz 3x and Salzburg 1x.

Accessible mostly to students.

The price of printing is 1 credit.

Find your nearest

Printbox vending machine.

Operational Printbox

Non-operational Printbox

For printing you need Printbox credits.

The more credits you buy
the cheaper they are.

You can print in color
with 40 cents.



