Always and easily accessible locations

Shopping mall: Supernova 8x, Tuš 16x, Citycenter 4x, Merkur 4x

Locations accessible to all general population.

Printbox equipped with scanner, NFC, bill and coin acceptor

Free parking.

Extended working hours.

The price of printing is 2 credits.

Student locations

University of Ljubljana 55x, Maribor 8x and Primorska 5x.

Student dormitories in Ljubljana 17x, maribor 6x and koper 5x.


Accessible mostly to students.

The price of printing is 1 credit.

Printbox library location

Accessible convenience locations

Libraries in Ljubljana 17x, Maribor, Kranj, Novo mesto, Velenje, Nova Gorica, Piran, Portorož.

The price of printing is 1 credit.

Printbox equipped with scanner, bill and coin acceptor

Other convenient locations:

Bus station LJ, Addiko banka, B&B hotel, restaurants, ...for more locations check our map.

Locations accessible to all general population.

Operational Printbox

Non-0perational Printbox



